Karosa ŠM 11 bus no. 135 from 1973 from 1973

ČKD T2 tram no. 133 from 1958

Karosa ŠM 11 bus no. 135 from 1973

The completely new buses, revolutionary in their time, the Karosa ŠM 11 buses, such as number 135 from 1973, were developed from 1960 on the basis of government decision to replace the conceptually outdated Škoda 706 buses. These buses were to be replaced by modern, spacious buses suitable for urban, suburban and long-distance transportation. The result of five year development was the urban bus desingnated as Karosa ŠM 11, whose series production began in 1965.

At the time, buses were produced with a prescribed lifespan of 6 years, which was adhered by trasporation companies at the time. Due to poor maintanance, only few vehicles exceeded this specifed lifespan, especially in the case of urban buses. That is why the preserved pieces are even more valuable today. Production of the Š 11 series buses was discontinued in 1981, when they were replaced by the B 730 series.

The Karosa ŠM 11.1630, registration number 135, was taken from the manufacturer on July 31, 1973. On March 3, 1980, it was sold to the Pilsen youth organization for the training of competitive and rally drivers. It remained in this organization until December 13, 1989, when it was purchased by a new owner, who owned it until it was bought back by the transport company in 2016. In April, was contractually repurchased and on May 25, 2016, it was transported from Světovar, where it had stood for many years, to the depot at Karlov. Here, the bus awaited renovation, for which it was taken to Zliner in Zlín on October 31, 2017. The work lasted until spring 2019, and on April 25, it was returned to the operator.

The bus has a capacity of 29 seats and recommended standing room for 26 passengers.

The bus cannot be operated from November 1st to March 31st.
Information about vehicle
Year of manufacture 1973
Seats 29
Places to stand 67
Total places 96
How much does it cost
first hour 4 000,00 Kč
3 571,43 Kč without DPH
each additional ¼ hour started 550,00 Kč
491,07 Kč without DPH

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